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Q: How do you rearrange x equals y to the power of b so that y is the subject?
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Can you use rearrange in a sentence?

Rearrange each sentence so the subject and verb appear first and second. I worked to rearrange my clothes in the closet.

How do you rearrange the equation to make y the subject Eg 5 equals x-y so that you can make a table of values?

If: 5 = x-y Then: y = x-5

How do I solve for the indicated variable in a mathematical formula?

Rearrange the formula so that the indicated variable is the subject of the mathematical formula.

How do you find the height of a trapezoid when area given?

If the lengths of the bases are also given then rearrange the area of the trapezoid formula so that the height is the subject.

What is larger 9 to the fourth power or 3 to the ninth power?

3 to the ninth power equals 19,683 while 9 to the fourth power equals 6,561 (if i'm not mistaken) so.. 9 to the fourth power (<) 3 to the ninth power

What is 5x5 to the forth power?

5x5 to the fourth power is 3125. 5 to the fourth power is 625. Now multiply 5x600 and that equals 3000. Then, add 5x25 and that equals 125. Add 125 to 300 and that equals 3125. So, 5x5 to the fourth power equals 3125. Next time think of it as 5x(5 to the fourth power).

H equals -4.9t plus 8.4t plus 1.2?

make it easier by taking out the decimals to begin with, then rearrange so: -49+84= 84-49= 35+12= 47 or 4.7

What to the power of 4 equals 121?

112 = 121 so [sqrt(11)]4 = 121 That is, ± 3.317 (approx) to the power 4 equals 121

What is a sentence with the word rearrange?

Here are some sentences.If you rearrange the letters in this word, you can spell a new word.Let me rearrange the seating so that Bob isn't sitting next to his sister.

The log of what number equals 2.771?

so logs always have a base of 10 and when you set the equation up you would have logX=2.771 you can rearrange this equation to be an exponent setup like 10^2.771=X so X= 590.2

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Rearrange the second equation to read 2x - y = -3Add the two equations: 3x = 6:Divide by 3: x = 2 so y = 7

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any number raised to the 0 power equals 1. so the answer is 1