Improper fractions are always > 1. Reason, the numerator (top) is always larger than the denominator(bottom). NB Improper fractions is the correct term for 'Top Heavy' fractions.
Fractions that are less than one are known as proper fractions. Their denominators are greater than their numerators. Their reciprocals would have numerators greater than their denominators, making them improper. Improper fractions are greater than one.
You're only supposed to ask one question at at time but here we go:- 1 Fractions are parts of whole numbers or integers 2 Fractions less than 1 are common fractions 3 Fractions greater than 1 are improper fractions 4 Fractions have denominators which are underneath their numerators 5 Fractions are separated by a solidus line such as n/d 6 Fractions that are improper can be changed into mixed numbers 7 Fractions can be changed into decimals 8 Fractions can be converted into percentages 9 Fractions are rational numbers 10 Fractions can not be derived from irrational numbers 11 Fractions need a LCD when adding or subtracting them 12 Fractions can be easily multiplied and divided 13 Fractions can be equivalent such as 2/3 = 4/6 14 Fractions can be simplified by finding their HCF 15 Fractions use prime numbers to find the LCM of different denominators 16 Fractions were once used by the ancient Romans to a limited extent
1. Proper Fractions where the numerator is less than denominator. 2. Improper Fractions or top-heavy fractions where the numerator is greater than denominator.
There are proper fractions, where the numerator is less than the denominator, and improper fractions where the denominator is greater than or equal to the numerator.
Proper fractions are less than one.. Their numerators re less than their denominators. Their reciprocals have numerators greater than their denominators, making them improper. Improper fractions are greater than 1.
Improper fractions are always > 1. Reason, the numerator (top) is always larger than the denominator(bottom). NB Improper fractions is the correct term for 'Top Heavy' fractions.
Both proper and improper fractions have a numerator and a denominator. In a proper fraction the numerator is always less than the denominator. In an improper function the numerator is greater than the denominator
Fractions that are less than one are known as proper fractions. Their denominators are greater than their numerators. Their reciprocals would have numerators greater than their denominators, making them improper. Improper fractions are greater than one.
No, improper fractions (ex: 3/2) are greater than one.
The two types of fractions are proper fractions, in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator, and improper fractions, in which the numerator is equal to or larger than the denominator.
You're only supposed to ask one question at at time but here we go:- 1 Fractions are parts of whole numbers or integers 2 Fractions less than 1 are common fractions 3 Fractions greater than 1 are improper fractions 4 Fractions have denominators which are underneath their numerators 5 Fractions are separated by a solidus line such as n/d 6 Fractions that are improper can be changed into mixed numbers 7 Fractions can be changed into decimals 8 Fractions can be converted into percentages 9 Fractions are rational numbers 10 Fractions can not be derived from irrational numbers 11 Fractions need a LCD when adding or subtracting them 12 Fractions can be easily multiplied and divided 13 Fractions can be equivalent such as 2/3 = 4/6 14 Fractions can be simplified by finding their HCF 15 Fractions use prime numbers to find the LCM of different denominators 16 Fractions were once used by the ancient Romans to a limited extent
You divide the numerator (N) by the denominator (D). The answer of that division will be a whole number (W) and a remainder (R). Then N/D = WR/D and it makes no difference whether the denominator is 100 or less, or if it is hugely greater.
1. Proper Fractions where the numerator is less than denominator. 2. Improper Fractions or top-heavy fractions where the numerator is greater than denominator.
There are proper fractions, where the numerator is less than the denominator, and improper fractions where the denominator is greater than or equal to the numerator.
there are 3 types of fractions proper,improper,mixed proper fractions:-numerator is less than denominator like-2/3,5/7,6/9 improper fractions:- numerator is greater than denominator like-3/2,5/4,9/7 mixed fractions:-always improper fractions are converted to mixed fractions,mixed fractions are combination of proper fractions and whole numbers like-2.2/7,5.3/7
In a proper fraction, the numerator is less than the denominator. In an improper fraction, the numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator.