

What is kinds of fraction?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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There are proper fractions, where the numerator is less than the denominator, and improper fractions where the denominator is greater than or equal to the numerator.

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Q: What is kinds of fraction?
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Different kinds of fraction?

different kinds of fraction: *proper fraction *improper fraction *mixed fraction *equal/equivalent fraction

What are the two kinds of fraction?

mix fraction and regular factions:1 _ 9

What are the kinds of fraction and give the meaning?

nominator and dinominator

Kinds of fraction and examples of each?

If the numerator is greater, it is called an improper fraction.When the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is proper fraction.

What are the six kinds of fractions?

Well there are different kinds of fractions their are mixed numbers, regular fractions and improper fractionsThere are 5 kinds of fraction. Proper fraction, improper fraction, mixed number, unit fraction, and equivalent fractions. An example of a proper fraction is 3/4. An example of an improper fractions is 13/12. An example of a mixed number is 1 1/4. An example of a unit fraction is 1/3. An example of equivalent fractions is 4/8=1/2.I hope you like my answer... :)

What are the 2 kinds of fraction?

There are common fractions, improper fractions and equivalent fractions

What are the 4 kinds of fraction?

Mixed, proper and improper... but I don't know what the 4th type is.

What are the names of the kinds of fraction?

I think 1/4 is quarter this is a half 1/2

Is a fraction a rational number?

There are many different kinds of fractions, some rational and some irrational.

Why is the probability meter labeled with fraction decimals and percents?

So it can be used for a number of different kinds of math problems

What is regular fractions?

The terms for fractions are common, improper and mixed numeral.Common fractions have a numerator that is smaller than the denominator.Improper fractions have a greater numerator than denominator.Mixed numeral has a whole number next to a common fraction.

Use the word fraction in a sentence?

My teacher taught us how to do all kinds of fractions THANK U FOR UR TIME