Try this for a memory bridge... Inverse rhymes with reverse which means go the opposite way. So for an inverse proportion, as something goes up the other goes down; as something gets smaller the other gets larger.
* *It is the reverse of the actionEx.Addition is the inverse of subtrationmultiplication is the inverse of division
It is zero, by definition of additive inverse!
0. By the definition of "additive inverse", the sum of ANY number and its additive inverse must be 0.
The definition of an multipilicative inverse is a number that's times by the known number to attain a product of one. To find the multiplicative inverse is the same thing as the recipricol of the number. To find the multiplicitive inverse or recipricol of a number, first turn the number into a fraction, then switch the numerator and denominator around. The result is your multiplicitive inverse.
* *It is the reverse of the actionEx.Addition is the inverse of subtrationmultiplication is the inverse of division
It is zero, by definition of additive inverse!
0. By the definition of "additive inverse", the sum of ANY number and its additive inverse must be 0.
cross multiply
it is considered, to be the: "Inverse," in algebra!(:
The definition of an multipilicative inverse is a number that's times by the known number to attain a product of one. To find the multiplicative inverse is the same thing as the recipricol of the number. To find the multiplicitive inverse or recipricol of a number, first turn the number into a fraction, then switch the numerator and denominator around. The result is your multiplicitive inverse.
Number + additive inverse of number = 0, by definition (the additive inverse of a number is that number, which when added to the original number, results in a sum of 0) Number + additive inverse of number = 0, by definition (the additive inverse of a number is that number, which when added to the original number, results in a sum of 0)
If the multiplicative inverse exists then, by definition, the product is 1 which is rational.
The statement is true only for non-zero fractions and it follows from the definition of a multiplicative inverse.
y is inversely proportional to x if it is proportional to 1/x.
The inverse operation of multiplication is commonly known as division.Of course we must remember that we cannot divide by 0.Division.