Percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100:
Example 68% is 68/100 = 0.68/1 = 0.68
the other way, 0.68 = 0.68/1 = 68/100 = 68%
you can change the fraction into a decimal or vice-versa
A fraction is a rational number that can be converted into a decimal or vice versa
Move the decimal place back two spaces and remove the percent sign. This works vice versa for decimal to percent. Your final answer should be 2.
refers to the opposite
Move the decimal place over to the left once to convert the smaller millimeters to the larger centimeters and vice versa.
you can change the fraction into a decimal or vice-versa
A fraction is a rational number that can be converted into a decimal or vice versa
vice versa
.124. You just move the decimal point back two places and slap on the percentage point, and vice versa for the opposite.
Move the decimal place back two spaces and remove the percent sign. This works vice versa for decimal to percent. Your final answer should be 2.
Vice Versa - novel - was created in 1882.
No one knows how to spell Latin, but vice versa is the accepted spelling
Science affecting politics and vice versa
No. The term vice versa is taken to be one word.
Vice Versa - novel - has 349 pages.
No, it is not impossible because you can convert fractions into decimal and vice versa
Vice Versa