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squareroot of 3 is smaller than 2 and bigger than 1.

It is approx. 1.732

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Q: How do you represent root 3 in number line?
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......................... ..------------------.. ..|.....|.....|.....|... ..0.....1...√4...3... ........................

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friends,root 10 is according to our pythagores thoream.root 10=square of 3 and square of 1 can be represented on a number line.

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By root, I think you mean square root. The square root of 2 is approx. 1.414. The square root of 9 = 3, so this goes exactly at 3 on the number line. Square root 2 will be less than 1/2 way between 1 and 2 on the number line.

How do you represent root 3 on the number line?

I assume you mean the square Root of 3. You can't show it exactly as root 3 is an irrational number. BUT, you can show it approximately. Root 3 = 1.732... So put a mark between 1 and 2 on the number line at about 1.7.

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ne tala kaya banda kesi kottu

How do you plot the square root of 3 on an number line?

You don't

Where do you put the square root of 2 on the number line?

about 1/3 of the distance from 1 to 2

How do you find a root 11 on a number line?

It is somewhere between 3 and 4. You can get a better approximation by using your calculator to get the square root of 11.

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Between 2 and 3.

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Between 3 and 4.

How are rational exponents related to radicals?

You can represent a radical with a rational exponent. For example the nth root of a number m can be written as m1/n . If n was 2 for example, then it is the square root. So square root of 3 or radical 3 is written sqrt(3) or 31/2 .

How will you represent integers on a number line?

From least to greatest: .....-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4..... etc