318 is approximate to:0 to the nearest thousand300 to the nearest hundred320 to the nearest ten
318 rounds to 318.0
Rounded to the nearest ten it is 320 Rounded to the nearest hundred it is 300
4.89 to the nearest ones place is 5.
318 is approximate to:0 to the nearest thousand300 to the nearest hundred320 to the nearest ten
318 rounds to 318.0
round to the nearest ones 5.45
318 to the nearest tens place is 320
Rounded to the nearest ten it is 320 Rounded to the nearest hundred it is 300
18.194 round to the nearest ones = 18
59.10 to the nearest ones place = 59
10.56 to the nearest ones place = 11
4.89 to the nearest ones place is 5.
The answer is 698
The answer is 12