The nearest hundred smaller than 365 is 300 which is 65 away.
The nearest hundred larger than 365 is 400 which is 35 away.
Therefore the nearest 100 is 400.
51,985 to the nearest hundreds = 52,000
The answer depends on the degree to which the number is rounded. To the nearest unit it is 365 To the nearest hundred it is 400. To the nearest million it is 0.
0.228 to the nearest hundreds is zero. To the nearest hundredths it is 0.23
To the nearest hundreds it is 0.
0.378 to the nearest hundreds place is zero.
In 365 the tenth place 65 is greater than 50 which will be 100 so 365 nearest 100 no is 400.
51,985 to the nearest hundreds = 52,000
151 round to the nearest hundreds place = 200
The answer depends on the degree to which the number is rounded. To the nearest unit it is 365 To the nearest hundred it is 400. To the nearest million it is 0.
To the nearest hundreds it is 7400. If you mean nearest hundredths, it is 7426.44 that is the answer.
0.228 to the nearest hundreds is zero. To the nearest hundredths it is 0.23
To the nearest hundreds it is 0.
60 to the nearest hundreds place = 100
0.378 to the nearest hundreds place is zero.
Nine rounded to the nearest hundreds place is zero.
You round it up to 1000.