365 / 120 x 100 = 304.16666666666666666666666666667 % round to 304.2%
The nearest hundred smaller than 365 is 300 which is 65 away. The nearest hundred larger than 365 is 400 which is 35 away. Therefore the nearest 100 is 400.
183=365/2 rounded up To find the number of odd numbers in a set starting with 1, simply divide by 2 and round up. (Likewise, to find the number of even numbers, divide by 2 and round down.)
365 days.365 days.365 days.365 days.365 days.365 days.365 days.365 days.365 days.365 days.365 days.
365 years is 365 years.
365 / 120 x 100 = 304.16666666666666666666666666667 % round to 304.2%
365 days
365 is exactly half-way beween 360 and 370, but under the mathematical rule regarding rounding up you would probably round up to 370 (below 5 round down, 5 and above round up)
i dont know the answer but i think its 365
365 1/4 days in a year 365 and a quarter days every year, that's why we have a leap year every fourth year to round it up
The nearest hundred smaller than 365 is 300 which is 65 away. The nearest hundred larger than 365 is 400 which is 35 away. Therefore the nearest 100 is 400.
A year (365 days) NRBB
365 dollars round trip
To round is to make the number such as 365 to round you would say that the 6 is on the 5 an over rule so,you give it a shovel and the awnser would be 400. -Maria
365. 25 years hence why we have leap years
1 year or 365 days.
183=365/2 rounded up To find the number of odd numbers in a set starting with 1, simply divide by 2 and round up. (Likewise, to find the number of even numbers, divide by 2 and round down.)