The number 6.527314 to two decimal places is 6.53. To round a number to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up the second decimal place. If it is less than 5, you leave the second decimal place as is. In this case, the third decimal place is 7, so we round up the second decimal place from 2 to 3.
That depends on what you want to round it to, like one decimal place or a whole number, as in the following examples: One decimal place: 1.7 A whole number: 2
The thousandth place in a decimal would be the 3rd number after the decimal point. For this number, you would round to 112.457 because if the next number is 5 or greater, you will round up. If the next number is less than 5, the number in the thousandths place would remain unchanged.
It's still zero.
It would be 184 as a whole number.
To round a number, the decimal place that you want to round to, needs to be specified. If you want to round to the tenths place or to 1 decimal place, then this number is already there: 7.7 is seven and seven tenths. If you want to round it to zero decimal places, or to the nearest whole number, then look at the tenths place and if it is 0-4 you round down to 7, if it is 5-9 (which it is) you round up to 8.
As I would explain and show students, in order to round, you look at the number in the place to the right of where you want to round. If that number is 5 or more, you round up. If it's less than 5, you round down.For example, you want to round 12.54 to 1 decimal place. Look at the number in the second decimal place. That number is a 4, which is less than 5. So you'd round this down. That means your answer would be 12.5.But what if the original number was 12.58 and you needed to round this to 1 decimal place. The number in the second decimal place is an 8, which is greater than 5. So you'd round up. That means taking the number in the first decimal place and increasing it by one. So you'd round to 12.6.
The number 6.527314 to two decimal places is 6.53. To round a number to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up the second decimal place. If it is less than 5, you leave the second decimal place as is. In this case, the third decimal place is 7, so we round up the second decimal place from 2 to 3.
That depends on what you want to round it to, like one decimal place or a whole number, as in the following examples: One decimal place: 1.7 A whole number: 2
2 decimal places is the second number after the decimal point. So in 13.256 the 5 is the second decimal place. To round, you look at the number to the right of the decimal place you want to round to. So in 13.256 we look at the 6. If a number is greater than or equal to 5 you round up, if the number is less than 5 you round down. So 13.256 rounded to 2 decimal places is 13.26%
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. So, a decimal number will always round to a decimal number.
Look at the number in the second decimal place. If that number is 4 or less, zero it and everything to the right of it out. If that number is 5 or higher, increase the first decimal place by one and zero everything to the right of it out.
To one decimal place, we look at the digit in the hundredths place, which is a 2. The number will round down to 5.5 as the answer. To one whole number, it will round up to 6 as the answer.
It means to round a decimal number to its nearest hundredth place as for example 2.125 rounded to 2 decimal places is 2.13
By taking a number's 2nd decimal place and seeing if it is .45 or higher.
11.3 rounded to one decimal place is 11.3. "To one decimal place" simply means that your number should only have one decimal number in it. When you round, numbers 1 to 4 round down (so 11.32 would become 11.3) and numbers 5 to 9 round up (so 11.38 would become 11.4).