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Compare the fractional part, f, of the mixed number.If 0 < x <= 0.25 or 0.75 x < f <= 0.99... then remove f.

If 0.25 < f <= 0.75 then replace f by 0.5

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Q: How do you round mixed numbers to nearest half?
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Why does it make sense to round a mixed number to the nearest whole number when estimating a sum or difference Could you round to the nearest one half instead?

Some people find it easier to add or subtract whole numbers but yes, you could round to the nearest half.

What are the smallest and biggest whole numbers that round to 170000 to nearest 10000?

When rounding to the nearest whatever, half the number round up and half round down. &rarr; the numbers that round to 170000 to the nearest 10000 are 170000 &plusmn; (10000 &divide; 2) = 170000 &plusmn; 5000 However, if a number is exactly half way, the convention is to round them up, so the numbers in the range: 170000 - 5000 &le; number &lt; 170000 + 5000 &rarr; 165000 &le; number &lt; 175000 will round to 170000 to the nearest 10000 &rarr; smallest number is 165000 &rarr; biggest [whole] number is 175000 - 1 = 174999

What numbers can be rounded to the nearest ten to make 800?

Half of 10 is 5.So numbers in the range 800 &plusmn; 5 round to 800 to the nearest 10, except that numbers exactly half way round up. Thus all numbers greater than or equal to 800 - 5 round up to 800 and all numbers less than 800 + 5 round down to 800,That is all numbers greater than or equal to 795 and less than 805 will round to 800 to the nearest 10.

What is the biggest number that rounds to 8000 to the nearest thousand?

When rounding to the nearest thousand, half round up and half round down.Half of 1000 is 500 &rarr; numbers that are 8000 &plusmn; 500, that is 7500 to 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.However, numbers half way by convention round up and 8500 is half way between 8000 & 9000 and so would round up to 9000.Thus numbers greater than or equal to 7500 and less than 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.Therefore the largest whole number that will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000 is 8499.

What are 2 mixed numbers such that when you estimate their sum by rounding to the nearest whole number you get a different estimate than when you round to the nearest half?

1 and 1/3 + 1 and 1/3.Rounded to the nearest whole and added together: give 1 + 1 = 2Rounded to the nearest half and added together: give 1.5 + 1.5 = 3

What is 7.931 rounded to the nearest half?


What is the largest 5-digit number which rounds to 27 000 to the nearest thousand?

When rounding to the nearest thousand (1000), half the numbers (1000 &divide; 2 = 500) round up, and the other half round down - except for those which are exactly half-way: they round up. Thus the largest number that will round to 27,000 to the nearest thousand must round down to it and is 27,000 + 500 - 1 = 27,499.

How many numbers can be rounded to 88 500 to the nearest hundreds?


How do you round 4.5 to the nearest half?

4.5 already is rounded to the nearest half.

I am a number if you round the number of days in october to the nearest ten and round the number of days in February to the nearest ten i am half of the product of those two numbers what am i?


How do round a fraction to the nearest half?

if the number after the first number after the decimal is 1-4, round it to 0. If it is 5-9, round it one higher number. EX: 4.56 rounds to 5.00, and 4.54 rounds to 4.50. They mostly round up to the nearest half number (like you said). It's not that hard to round numbers.

When rounding to the nearest thousand what is the greatest number that rounds to 5000?

Half of 1000 is 500, so numbers in the range 5000 &plusmn; 500 round to 5000 to the nearest 1000 EXCEPT that numbers exactly half way round up. ie numbers greater than or equal to 5000 - 500 = 4500 and less than 5000 + 500 = 5500 will round to 5000 to the nearest 1000. So the largest whole number that rounds to 5000 to the nearest 1000 is 5500 - 1 = 5499.