Pi to 5 decimal places is about 3.14159
8.42 (upto 2 decimal places)
The Romans did not use decimals as we know them today but they did use fractions to a limited extent.
When subtracting numbers, the numbers need to be aligned in place value columns. The easiest way to do this is to align the decimal points. If one number has less digits after the decimal point then extra zeros can be added to the end of the number to make it the same length as an empty place value column is the same as one with a zero in it (zero was originally first used to indicate an empty place value column). So for 2.15 - 2.1 the decimal points need to be aligned: _____2.15__ _____2.1___ But to make the subtraction easier, adding extra zeros after the 1 of 2.1 to make the 2.1 the same length as the 2.15 (ie upto the hundredths digit) helps: _____2.15___ _____2.10___ Now you can easily do the subtraction: _____2.15___ _____2.10___ _____-----____ _____0.05____ _____===____ This trick of appending extra zeros is very useful if the first number has less digits, eg 2.2 - 2.15: _____2.2_____ _____2.15____ Becomes: _____2.20____ _____2.15____ Which is easier to do, giving: _____2.20____ _____2.15____ _____-----_____ _____0.05____ _____===_____
The approximate value of pi up to the fifth decimal place is 3.14159
Pi to 5 decimal places is about 3.14159
8.42 (upto 2 decimal places)
marks in first sem+marks in second ......+ marks in nth /total in first+total in second+...totant in nth
Seven will be more than enough.
The Romans did not use decimals as we know them today but they did use fractions to a limited extent.
1 million < 165 so 6 digits would be enough.
The digit whose place value is at the hundred thousand is 7. If the number after it is 5 or more, round the 7 upto 8 and replace all numbers after the seven by zeros. If the number after it is 4 or less then simply replace all numbers after the seven by zeros. So here the number after the one in the hundred thousand place is 8 which is greater than 5, so 7 gets rounded up and the answer is 800 000
willows until 75, yews until 80, and ivy upto 99 unless u want money do yew upto 95, and magics 95-99+
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