14.587020 has eight significant digits. If you were going to round it off to four, the answer would be 14.59
It depends on how many significant digits you want to round it off to.
14.587020 has eight significant digits. If you were going to round it off to four, the answer would be 14.59
It depends on how many significant digits you want to round it off to.
6.71 is 6.7050 is rounded to three significant figures.
1.0 x 10^4
Simply cut off the extra digits: 5.00
It has only one significant digit, so it remains unchanged.
It is: 3.4 because .01 is less than .05
You can just round it off. For example, if your number is 8.38572998472654400131... that is equal to approximately 8.4 (if two significant digits is enough for your purposes) or 8.39 (if you prefer 3 significant digits).
It depends on the number of digits accuracy required. Round off to: 3 digits: 12.426 2 digits: 12.43 1 digit: 12.4 Round number: 12