It is 13.3
As the digit after the decimal point is 6, we round the number up to 29.
3.1You look at the second digit after the decimal point and ask if it is greater than or equal to 5.If it is you round up the first digit after the decimal point. If not, then you round down (i.e. the first digit after the decimal point stays as it was).So for 3.077, "7" is greater than or equal to five so we round up to 3.1 (to one decimal place).
The digit after the decimal point is a 9, so we round up to give 7 as the answer.
53.8 to one decimal point is 53.8. When rounding a number to one decimal point, you look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, the digit after the decimal point is 8, so we round up to 53.8.
If you are trying to round 376.99 to 1 decimal point, the answer is 377.0
It is 13.3
It is 65.9
It will round up to 0.9 to one decimal place
As the digit after the decimal point is 6, we round the number up to 29.
3.1You look at the second digit after the decimal point and ask if it is greater than or equal to 5.If it is you round up the first digit after the decimal point. If not, then you round down (i.e. the first digit after the decimal point stays as it was).So for 3.077, "7" is greater than or equal to five so we round up to 3.1 (to one decimal place).
The digit after the decimal point is a 9, so we round up to give 7 as the answer.
No rounding is necessary - the number is already rounded to one decimal place.
There is no need to round 1097 to any decimal places as there are no digits following a decimal point.
To round 2.78 to one decimal point, we look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 8. Since 8 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the tenths place digit by adding 1 to it. Therefore, 2.78 rounded to one decimal point is 2.8.
53.8 to one decimal point is 53.8. When rounding a number to one decimal point, you look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, the digit after the decimal point is 8, so we round up to 53.8.