It is 560
561 is approximate to1000 to the nearest thousand600 to the nearest hundred560 to the nearest ten
The key to rounding any number to the nearest ten does not use the decimals at all. In fact, you only need to check the digit in the ones place. If the number in the ones digit is below 4, then round down. If the number in the ones digit is 5 or larger, round up. Some Examples: 563 ---> 560 - The ones digit is a three, you round down 27 ---> 30 - The ones digit is above five, you round up 145 ---> 150 - The ones digit is a five, you round up 890 ---> 890 - The ones digit is a zero, you do nothing because it is already a ten.
4 percent of 560 = 22. 4% of 560 = 4% * 560 = 0.04 * 560 = 22.4
It is 560
No because 561 rounded to the nearest ten is 560
It is: 560
To the hundreds: 600
562 rounded to the nearest tens is 560
Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the number 555. When we round it to the nearest ten, it becomes 560. Isn't that just a happy little number? Just a small adjustment to help it fit in with its closest group of tens.
To round to the nearest hundred, you must look at the number that is to the right of the hundreds place. If the number is 5 or higher, then you round up to the next highest number. If the number is 4 or lower, then you must round down. For example, if you had the number 560, you would round that up because the number to the right of the hundreds place is 6. 560 rounded to the nearest hundred is 600. Another example is 420. You would round 420 down because the number that is the right of the hundreds place is 2. 420 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400.
you see if the number in the hundreds place is 5 up to 9 and if it is round the number in the tenths place to 6 and the hundreds will be 0, a: 560
561 is approximate to1000 to the nearest thousand600 to the nearest hundred560 to the nearest ten
they get up to 560 pounds a year