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Normally, numbers are rounded up to the next whole number if they are closer to the next whole number, and rounded down if they are closer to one less than the next whole number.

6.474, which is 6 and 474 thousandths, is closer to 6 than it is to 7, so it is rounded down to 6.

If the number was 6.633, for example, that would be rounded up to 7, because it is closer to 7 than to 6.

The exact half-way point between 6 and 7 is 6.5

Half-way numbers (numbers that end in .5) are always rounded up.

There was a programmer who worked for a bank, who programmed every payment to round down, and never up. Whenever a half-penny was lost because the payment did not round up when it should have, the half-penny went into his account! He stole a lot of money before anyone noticed and he was caught!

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