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you don't, you run it in 6 minutes.

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Q: How do you run a 6 minute mile in 7 weeks?
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How many miles per hour do you have to run to run a 10 minute mile?

10 minute mile = 1 mile in 10 minutes which is equivalent to 6 miles in 60 minutes - or an hour. Answer: 6 mph.

How fast do you have to run to get a 6 minute mile?

10 mph

What percentage can run a sub 6 minute mile worldwide?

it is 60% of the 6 minute worldwide don't u get it

When was the sub four-minute mile run?

The first sub four minute mile was run May 6, 1954 by Roger Bannister of Great Britain in Oxford, England.

How fast can a women run 1 mile?

i run a 6 minute mile but i suppose anything from 10 or 12 downwards is good

What percentage of people can run 6 minute mile?

Approximately 0.1% of the population can run a 6-minute mile. This time is considered very fast and requires a high level of physical fitness and training.

How many miles per hour to run a 6 minute mile?


How fast to run a 6 minute mile?

1 mile/6 minutes x (60 minutes/hour) = 10 miles per hour

I can run a 14 minute mile but need to be down to a 9 minute mile in 6 weeks anyone have any suggestions or a better workout regimen?

I would try increasing your speed by .5 mph each week. I'm trying to do the same thing but I'm struggling through a 14 min mile. Good luck!

How fast do you have to run in MPH to run a 5 minute mile?

The person's pace was 6 mph or 10 minutes per mile.

What pace do I run on treadmill for 9 minute mile?

Your time for a mile will be 6 minutes 19.2 seconds.

Is a 6 minute mile fast for an average runner?

A 6-minute mile is fast and long for an average American human being.