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Press 2ND MATRIX (above x-1). Select EDIT at the top with the arrow keys. The select matrix [B] and press ENTER. You can now edit the matrix. (Use the numbers at the upper right to set the size.)

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Q: How do you set Matrix B on TI84?
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Commutative Matrix If A and B are the two square matrices such that AB=BA, then A and B are called commutative matrix or simple commute.

If properties of matrix addition let A B C D the m n matrix then 1 A plus B B plus A?

Yes. Matrix addition is commutative.

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If properties of matrix addition let A B C D the m n matrix then 1A plus B B plus A?

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What would be the result if you add matrices B plus A instead A plus B?

It would be no different. Matrix addition is Abelian or commutative. Matrix mutiplication is not.

Find a matrix A that is not invertible and b such that Ax equals b has a unique solution?

A matrix with a row or a column of zeros cannot have an inverse.Proof:Let A denote a matrix which has an entire row or column of zeros. If B is any matrix, then AB has an entire rows of zeros, or BA has an entire column of zeros. Thus, neither AB nor BA can be the identity matrix, so A cannot have an inverse, or A cannot be invertible.Since A is not invertible, then Ax = b has not a unique solution.

What is the meaning of inverse matrices?

If, for an n*n matrix, A, there exists a matrix B such that AB = I, where I is the n*n identity matrix, then the matrix B is said to be the inverse of A. In that case, BA = I (in general, with matrices, AB ≠ BA) I is an n*n matrix consisting of 1 on the principal diagonal and 0s elsewhere.

What is order of the resultant matrix AB when two matrices are multiplied and the order of the Matrix A is m n order of Matrix B is n p Also state the condition under which two matrices can be mult?

the order is m p and the matrices can be multiplied if and only if the first one (matrix A) has the same number of columns as the second one (matrix B) has rows i.e)is Matrix A has n columns, then Matrix B MUST have n rows.Equal Matrix: Two matrices A=|Aij| and B=|Bij| are said to be equal (A=B) if and only if they have the same order and each elements of one is equal to the corresponding elements of the other. Such as A=|1 2 3|, B=|1 2 3|. Thus two matrices are equal if and only if one is a duplicate of the other.