A fraction is written with one number (the numerator) on top of another number (the denominator) with a horizontal line separating them; the number on top is being divided by the number on the bottom. That's what fractions mean. One divided by two is one over two which is one half.
It is equal distance from both.
Three fourths is of EQUAL DISTANCE between them.
Using just the number line, the only option is to draw some symbols on the number line wherever a data point is observed. It is not easy to show multiple occurrences on a one-dimensional figure.
5/8 add both fractions up then divide by 2
you have to make a number line and show your work
A fraction is written with one number (the numerator) on top of another number (the denominator) with a horizontal line separating them; the number on top is being divided by the number on the bottom. That's what fractions mean. One divided by two is one over two which is one half.
It is equal distance from both.
Three fourths is of EQUAL DISTANCE between them.
Using just the number line, the only option is to draw some symbols on the number line wherever a data point is observed. It is not easy to show multiple occurrences on a one-dimensional figure.
An infinite number. Any parallelogram can be cut in half by a line parallel to one of its sides to increase the number by one. And there is no end to that process.
5/8 add both fractions up then divide by 2
As there is only one number this would be located on the number line. The location being one quarter of the distance between -1 and -2. The scale of the line can be arbitrary so long as it includes as much of the line to show the number and a reference to 0 (zero)
0.375 is 3/8, which is halfway between one quarter (2/8) and one half (4/8).
A ray = A half-line
A half line? A ray?