Divide numerator & denominator by 2: 19/24
To simplify 48 over 110, you first need to find the greatest common divisor of the two numbers, which is 2. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2 to get 24 over 55. Therefore, 48 over 110 simplified is 24 over 55.
26/48 = 13/24
You simplify fractions by determining the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of the numerator and denominator.One of the easiest tricks is to see if the denominator is divisible by the numerator. In this case 48 is divisible by 12. 48/2 = 24. 12/12 = 1. Therefore the fraction 12/48 when simplified is 1/24.
no 32 over 48 does
Divide both by 48.
can you simplify 18 over 44
No, you cannot simplify it any more than that.
It is 5 over 12.
42/48 = 7/8
23 over 24 you can not simplify it