You simplify fractions by determining the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of the numerator and denominator.
One of the easiest tricks is to see if the denominator is divisible by the numerator. In this case 48 is divisible by 12. 48/2 = 24. 12/12 = 1. Therefore the fraction 12/48 when simplified is 1/24.
12/48= (12/12)/(48/12)= 1/4
divide both numbers by 12, and you get 3/4
Divide numerator and denominator by 4.48/4 = 12/1 = 12
42/48 = 7/8
48 as a fraction = 48/1
Yes because 48/72 = 2/3
It is 5 over 12.
the answer is 12/18
12/48 = 1/4 in its lowest terms
48/100 = 12/25
48/52 = 12/13
It is any fraction of the form (12*x)/(48*x) where x is a non-zero integer or where 1/x is a common factor of 12 and 48.