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First since I don't know how to type in the square root of something, I'm going to type it in like this: sqrt(x)

Now say you have 1/sqrt(3). The square root can not be on the bottom. So mulitply the equation by the sqrt(3). This means TOP and BOTTOM! so then it looks like sqrt(3)/3. And that is an acceptable answer.

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Q: How do you simplify fractions with square roots?
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In general, it's impossible to represent square roots as fractions of rational numbers; however, in the specific case of 9, it's a perfect square and the roots are 3 and -3. If you insist on fractions, 3/1 and -3/1.

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They are useful in reducing fractions and to simplify radicals. They are useful in reducing fractions and to simplify radicals.

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For calculating simple fractions, i.e. that are only numbers and that do not include square roots in them, However, if you are going to use square roots, pi, sin, cos, tan and etc. The choice of calculator to use depends on how complex the fractions you are putting in are.

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