you can round to a certain point, or turn them into fractions and simplify.
Decimals are simply a way to express numbers. There is nothing to solve!
It is simply: 30,000.0
Accountants use decimals by simply dividing the fractions and getting a decimal number. One does not need to be an accountant to use decimals.
It is simply as in the form of 40.20
They are simply: 36.200 and 36.2000
Decimals are simply a way to express numbers. There is nothing to solve!
50 in decimals is simply 50.00 or in fractions, it is fifty over one.
It is simply: 1010101.0
It is simply: 30,000.0
Accountants use decimals by simply dividing the fractions and getting a decimal number. One does not need to be an accountant to use decimals.
It is simply 380.0
It is simply as in the form of 40.20
They are simply: 36.200 and 36.2000
They are simply 0.080 and 0.0800
You line up the decimals and simply subtract. Below is an example. 2.989-1.989= 2.989 1.989 --------- 1.000
That can refer to one of two types of decimals: terminatingand irrational.Terminating decimals don't repeat because they stop, whereas irrational decimals simply never repeat a distinct pattern of digits.
They are simply 5.3 and 5.30