

How do you slove A2pi r2 2pi rh?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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10y ago

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To solve the equation 2*pi*r^2 + 2*pi*r*h you use the quadratic formula. r= [ -piáh ±?(pi_áh_+2áAápi)]/ (2ápi). You then get r>0 --> r= [ -piáh +?(pi_áh_+2áAápi)]/ (2ápi) .

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Q: How do you slove A2pi r2 2pi rh?
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Father is Rh-Rh-Positive blood type has two options so mother could be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- and so :Rh-Rh- X Rh+Rh+all kids will be positivethe second option isRh-Rh- X Rh+Rh-50% of the kids will be negativethe other 50% will be positive.

You have type O plus why does your father have O negative?

there is no problem with that, your Rh+ comes from your mother :) ur father genotype is Rh-Rh- your mother should be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- so you took one Rh- from your father and one Rh+ from your mother the result will be Rh+Rh- and because the +ve propriety is more dominant your blood type will be +ve even if you have the mix of Rh+Rh-

Monther is A positive and father is is B negative what make a child ab negative possible?

There are two genes that controll the traits. Since Rh+ is a dominant character, it could be expresssed even in the hterzygous condition. But Rh- could be expressed in the homozygous recessive conditions also. The father is Rh+ that means he could be either Rh+Rh+ or he could be Rh+Rh- and the mother is Rh-Rh-. The father should be Rh+Rh- type. So the gametes formed are of type Rh+and Rh-. When the Rh- gamete of male combine with the of Rh- female gamete the offspring is Rh-, with genotype Rh-Rh-.

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The baby could have either blood type O positive or A positive. This is because the baby receives one blood type from each parent, and the A gene from the mother could combine with the O gene from the father to produce blood type A, or the baby could inherit the A gene from the mother and the Rh factor from the father to have blood type A positive.

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That is always possible if both the parents are heterozygous for Rh antigen gene. It means that both the parents. There are 2 different alleles for the Rh factor known as Rh+ and Rh-.Someone who is "Rh positive" or "Rh+" has at least one Rh+ allele, but could have two. Their genotype could be either Rh+/Rh+ or Rh+/Rh-. Someone who Rh- has a genotype of Rh-/Rh-. If their genotypes are Rh+/Rh-, then their is possibility of of Rh- also.Rh factorPossible genotypesRh+Rh+/Rh+Rh+/Rh-Rh-Rh-/Rh-Prof. A.L. Bhatia O blood is also recessive to type A, so both parents could be heterozygous type A's. Their genotypes would have to be A/O.

What is the formula for the base of a cylinder?

Surface are of a cylinder: 2(pi)r2 + 2(pi)rh Volume of a cylinder: 2(pi)r2h [pi = 3.14159..., r = radius of the cylinder's cross section, h = height of the cylinder]

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the geno type for O- is ( ii Rh-Rh- ) the geno type for B- is ( IBIB Rh-Rh- ) or ( IBi Rh-Rh-) they can have a child with O type if the genes was (ii Rh-Rh-) and (IBi Rh-Rh-) in a 50%. but they can't have an (O+) because both parents are Rh(negative).