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25y2 - 49w2 = (5y)2 - (7w)2 = (5y - 7w)(5y + 7w)

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Q: How do you slove the polynomial 25y2-49w2?
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It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial).

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You can evaluate a polynomial, you can factorise a polynomial, you can solve a polynomial equation. But a polynomial is not a specific question so it cannot be answered.

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"Non-polynomial" can mean just about anything... How alike it is with the polynomial depends on what specifically you choose to include.

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Evaluating a polynomial is finding the value of the polynomial for a given value of the variable, usually denoted by x. Solving a polynomial equation is finding the value of the variable, x, for which the polynomial equation is true.

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