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Q: Is a log of a polynomial still a polynomial?
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Related questions

Is log n considered a polynomial function?

No, log n is not considered a polynomial function. It is a logarithmic function, which grows at a slower rate than polynomial functions.

In the study of polynomials what is the degree of x and the log of x?

The degree of x is 1. Log of x is no part of a polynomial.

A polynomial that can be factored is called?

It is still called a polynomial.

Is every number a polynomial?

No.A polynomial is not a number. Do you mean can every number be represented by a polynomial?If so, the answer is still no.

Is it possible to add 2 polynomials together and your answer is not a polynomial?

No. Even if the answer is zero, zero is still a polynomial.

Describe a polynomial in one variable?

A polynomial has 2 or more variables. It can also have a negative exponent and a fractional exponent. It's different from a monomial.****BrandonW****

Is this a polynomial or binomial or trinomial 4x2?

It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial).

Do aligators really look like log when they are still?

yes, if they are very still, they look almost identical to a log

Why can not log in to total drama island?

Because After The Last Episode Nobody can log in but if you win you still cant log in

How do you get a history log on MSN a history log from a deleted contact?

It should still be in the chat log folder, if not, it is untraceable.

How do you answer polynomial?

You can evaluate a polynomial, you can factorise a polynomial, you can solve a polynomial equation. But a polynomial is not a specific question so it cannot be answered.

How do you log in bajaj allinaz?

If still not be able to log in send me mail at