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You cannot solve a sequence: you can only solve a question about the sequence.

The idea is to find the pattern, so you know what comes next.

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Q: How do you solve a linear sequence?
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You cant solve the next term (next number) in this sequence. You need more terms, because this is either a "quadratic sequence", or a "linear and quadratic sequence", and you need more terms than this to solve a "linear and quadratic sequence" and for this particular "quadratic sequence" you would need more terms to solve nth term, which would solve what the next number is. If this is homework, check with your teacher if he wrote the wrong sum.

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to solve a linear in equality you have to write it out on a graph if the line or shape is made ou of strate lines its linear

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It is not possible to answer the question since a non linear sequence could be geometric, exponential, trigonometric etc.

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If the sequence is non-linear, you need to establish how it is defined.

The DNA language consists of a linear sequence of nucleotide?

Yes, the DNA language is composed of four nucleotide bases: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, arranged in a linear sequence along the DNA strand. This sequence carries genetic information that is transcribed and translated to produce proteins.

How do you solve linear equations with bracets?

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How do you do linear equations?

To solve linear equations, you always use the inverse operations