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power=work done/time interval

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Q: How do you solve for power if mass distance and time is given?
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How do you get work done if you have given mass and power?

To calculate work done when given mass and power, you need to know the force applied and the distance over which the force is applied. Work done is calculated as the product of force, distance, and the cosine of the angle between them. Power is the rate at which work is done, so you can calculate it by dividing the work done by the time taken to complete the work.

In one movie scene the hero lifts the 95 kg villain straight up through a vertical distance of 1.2 m in 0.52 s at constant speed. What power did he prouduce?

To solve this, first use the formula for potential energy, to see how much energy the hero needs. Potential energy = mgh (mass x gravity x height), where the gravity is 9.82.Then divide the energy by the time, to get the power in Watts.

How do you find velocity when given the time and mass?

You can't. The mass is irrelevant to velocity. You need the distance.

What is dimension of power?

The dimension of power is (energy / time)= (force x distance) / time= (mass x distance / time2) x distance / time= mass x distance2 / time3= ML2T-3

How do you solve for mass when you have been given the force equation?

F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and acceleration is a. F/a=m

How do you calculate power when given speed acceleration weight and distance?

Power is equal to Force times velocity; P=Fv. You are given the 'speed', which I assume to be velocity. You also have acceleration. In order to find F, you need first to find the mass, which you can calculate from the weight, Fg, by dividing by the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8. You then have the mass. From here, multiply mass times acceleration times the velocity.

Can a problem be solved if only given the N force applied on a kg mass be solved with out being given the displacement?

It is not clear what you want to solve for.

How does mass and speed relate to kinetic power?

Kinetic energy (not power) is given by 1/2 x Mass x Velocity2

How do you know when to solve for a empirical formula?

You should solve for an empirical formula when you are given the percent composition of elements in a compound or when you have the molar mass of the compound but not the molecular formula. The empirical formula provides the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound.

What unit do you use within the solar system?

One common unit used in the solar system is the astronomical unit (AU), which is the average distance from Earth to the Sun. Another unit is the light-year, the distance light travels in one year. Both of these units are helpful for measuring vast distances within our solar system.

How does mass affect the distance of a canapulted object?

Catapult and not canapult. Any way for a given energy as mass of the object increases then distance would get decreased as velocity gets reduced.

What is strength of gravitational pull of any given heavenly body a function of?

The strength of gravitational pull of any given heavenly body is primarily determined by its mass and distance from other objects. The greater the mass of the body and the closer it is to another object, the stronger the gravitational pull will be.