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Q: How do you solve garbage problem in the community?
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Why is garbage a problem in the community?

garbage pollutes the air ,water and contributes to global warming

How to solve garbage problem in terms of its effect on the environment?

burn that stuff

How you can solve garbage problem?

by warning the people who throw anywhere not in the proper trashcan...

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The problem of polluting through garbage with plastics and other materials like that.

What problem would using garbage as a a biomass fuel help solve?

insufficient landfill space.

What problem does using garbage as a biomass fuel would help solve?

insufficient landfill space

How do scientist fills gaps or solve problem in your community?

With research.

What is the problem with recycling and why do we need to solve it?

what we can do is, put garbage cans on the sidewalks and put recyling signs on them so the can put any recycling materials in the proper garbage can.

How do you solve a problem of a child coming to your school from another province?

I think we can try solve this problem by showing the child affection and welcoming him/her. If s/he feels accepted, s/he can start participating in community activity freely and as part of the community.

Meaning of garbage problem?

anu ang garbage problem

Where does the garbage from the Toronto community go?

the garbage goes to London, Ontario

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