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Q: What does solve a simpler problem to solve mean?
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When is it helpful to use simpler numbers to solve a problem?

When it is convenient

How does solving a simpler problem help you solve the original problem?

You gain relevant insights from solving that one problem, and then you can use those insights to help guide you to the solution of the original problem.

What does solve mean in algebra?

find the answer to the problem

Why lapalace transform is used even when fourier transform is available?

A: That is simple to answer just look up what you have and what you want and the simpler to solve he problem

How can you be scientifical creative?

do u mean scientifically creative? Its asking questions whose answers have not been discovered yet and finding their answers. Finding out how things work , discovering alternate and simpler ways to solve a problem.

What does 'figure it out' mean?

It means work it out as in solve a problem.

What does it mean to evaluate in math?

It means to solve the problem.

What does the word application mean in math?

application mean kind of theorem that we use to solve a problem, we will apply a different kind of theorem to solve one problem. it called as a application.

What does resolution mean when reading?

Possibly a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem

What does resolver mean in spanish?

It means to solve a problem or something.

What do you mean by finding a pattern in problem solving strategy?

By finding a pattern the first time you solve a problem, then applying this pattern (algorithm) to solve similar problems.

What does the word algorithm mean today?

An algorithm is the process by which you solve a problem