

Best Answer

you should include the definition of logarithms

how to solve logarithmic equations

how they are used in applications of math and everyday life

how to graph logarithms

explain how logarithms are the inverses of exponential

how to graph exponentials

importance of exponential functions(growth and decay ex.) pandemics, population)

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Q: What should you include in a paper about Logarithms?
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The first draft of a research paper should include?

the main ideas

The base of common logarithms?

The base of common logarithms is ten.

What are the misconception in logarithm topic in mathematics?

The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.The main misconception is that logarithms are hard to understand.

Why were logarithms invented?

Logarithms were invented by John Napier who was a mathematician. He invented other things too, so there was no reason why he couldn't invent the logarithms. Logarithms were invented so people could take short cuts to multiplications! :)

What are some careers that use logarithms and exponentials?

Careers that use exponential functions include psychologists, forensic scientists, engineers and chemists. Exponential functions are functions where the base is a constant and the power is variable.

When did John Napier invent logarithms?

In 1614, John Napier published his invention of logarithms.

Are logarithms and anti logarithms same?

No, they are opposites, just like multiplication and division are opposites.

What should an abstract include?

An abstract should include a brief summary of the main points and findings of the paper or research study. It should provide an overview of the purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions of the work. The abstract should be concise and informative, highlighting the key aspects of the paper to help readers quickly understand its significance.

How do you end a MLA paper?

To end an MLA paper, you should include a concluding paragraph that summarizes the main points of your paper and provides a sense of closure to your argument. Follow this with a Works Cited page listing all the sources you cited in your paper.

Who was it invented?


How are logarithms used in electrical engineering?

Electrical engineers use logarithms to work on signal Decay.

When were logarithms developed?

Michael Stifel published his discovery of logarithms in 1544. John Napier publicly propounded the method of logarithms in 1614. For more details see related link.