

Best Answer

It is called simple math.

On paper, write down the number you wish to multiply on the first line.

On the second line, place the number you wish line one to be multiplied by.


X 3


Starting from the right place, multiply 4 X 3. The answer is 12. Since the answer is more than 9 you write 2 on the answer line and "carry" the 1 to above the 3.

Now continue with the 3 X 3 (9) plus the 1 that was carried over for an answer of 10. Again, 0 goes on the answer line and "Carry" the 1 to above the 2.

The next figure is 2 X 3 + 1 = 7. 7 goes to the answer line.

Finally, multiply 1 X 3 = 3 and write it on the answer line. The complete answer is 3702.

To check your answer, divide it by the multiplier (3) and your answer should be 1234.

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