You search for common factors in the numerator and the denominator. Then you divide numerator and denominator by this common fraction.
For example, in the fraction 9/12, the common factor is 3. If you divide numerator and denominator (top and bottom) by 3, you get 3/4, which is an equivalent fraction.
You can simplify fractions, sometimes, but you can never simplify whole numbers.
You cannot solve fractions. There may be sums or products containing fractions or equations that can be solved. But fractions themselves cannot.
because when we simplify fractions it will give you the correct answer and that is the rule.
They are useful in reducing fractions and to simplify radicals. They are useful in reducing fractions and to simplify radicals.
You can simplify fractions, sometimes, but you can never simplify whole numbers.
You cannot solve fractions. There may be sums or products containing fractions or equations that can be solved. But fractions themselves cannot.
because when we simplify fractions it will give you the correct answer and that is the rule.
you can not simplify fractions when one of the ( whole or part) numbers can not be divided by and thing like 11 over 17 could NOT be simplified
Simplify them.
In math people simplify fractions because its easier to look at.
You cannot solve proper fractions. You may be able to solve problems involving fractions but that is NOT the same thing. Furthermore, the solution methods depend on the problem.
Finding the GCF will help you to simplify fractions.
Yes, because you can simplify the fractions then check the Cross products