You multiply 60 by 2/3 or .66666666666667
Just enter into a calculator:
2/3 "=" (which will give u roughly .66666666667)
Then with that number on the screen, press "*" (multiply) by 60
= 40
662/3% (sixty-six and two-thirds percent) or 66.6666666666...% (it is a repeating decimal, so the sixes after the decimal point are ongoing. This can also be represented by putting a bar over the six in the tenths place.)
sixty-six hundredth repeated is 2/3 in fraction form. To get the percent, set up a proportion where 2/3=x/100 Cross multiply. 3(x)=2(100) then solve for x 3x=200. divide each side by 3. x=40
66.666... or 66 (2/3), sixty-six and two thirds. Simply multiply 333 by 20% in its decimal form, which is .2. So, 333 x .2 = 66.666...
Sixteen and six hundred sixty-seven thousandths percent.
66.666666667% would be 2/3 as a fraction.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 66 2/3% is equal to 0.6 recurring, or 0.6666...
1/3 of 66 is 22
(66÷3) × 2 = 44
662/3% (sixty-six and two-thirds percent) or 66.6666666666...% (it is a repeating decimal, so the sixes after the decimal point are ongoing. This can also be represented by putting a bar over the six in the tenths place.)
279*662/3 = 18600
sixty six percent
sixty-six hundredth repeated is 2/3 in fraction form. To get the percent, set up a proportion where 2/3=x/100 Cross multiply. 3(x)=2(100) then solve for x 3x=200. divide each side by 3. x=40
66.666... or 66 (2/3), sixty-six and two thirds. Simply multiply 333 by 20% in its decimal form, which is .2. So, 333 x .2 = 66.666...