

Best Answer

Hey - you know that folk were doing this in the days before calculators and computers. It can be done.

Graphing is one approach.

Just plot the Y values resulting from the X values you try.

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Q: How do you solve the system of linear equation in real life?
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Life example linear equation word problem?

The real life example of a linear eqaution problem could be the comparison of somthing changing to something else. There can be many ways a linear equation can be used in real life from complex exponential graphs that explain economics to a simplistic problem comparing the arm span to height. For example: y=2x-1 could be the equation for arm span. (y) being arm span (x) being height This uses the concept of slope or rate. So the y(arm span) depends on the other variable x(height) to find y's value. Hope this helps :) -Leonard

What are the use of differential equation in dialy life?

A differential equation is a tool to certains carrers to find and solve all kinds of problems, in my case i'm a civil engineer and i use this tool to solve problems in the area of hidraulics, and in the area of structures. The differencial ecuations have all kinds of uses in the area of engieneering and in other fields too

Use of linear function in real life?

Your age is a linear function (of time).

What is the first thing you need to do when you have an equation?

Well, we need to know what the problem is. If you have an equation with a variable in it, like 3x = 9, you need to solve for x, i.e., get x on one side and anumber on the other side. An equation can also be like 2 + 2 = 4, which is already fully given to you. An equation could be anything with an equals sign (=), including the following:42 = the meaning of life

How can you use a linear equation in your daily life?

My gas gauge has been reading ' E ' for the last 20 miles and I'm starting to worry.Finally, the tension is killing me. I bite the bullet and pull into a gas station, wherethe sign out front says " 2.67 ". I have $ 11.22 in my pocket. What's the most gasI can put into the car ?Of course, nothing like this has ever happened to you; so you've never had to solvea linear equation since you were in high school.

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What are the pros and cons of the quadratic equation?

Pros: There are many real life situations in which the relationship between two variables is quadratic rather than linear. So to solve these situations quadratic equations are necessary. There is a simple equation to solve any quadratic equation. Cons: Pupils who are still studying basic mathematics will not be told how to solve quadratic equations in some circumstances - when the solutions lie in the Complex field.

How could linear equations help you in life?

In construction of a stair If 10 inches per step how many steps to go to a story up or about 10 foot 10 feet is 120 inches Slope is 10 inches 10x = 120 That is a linear equation you then solve in your head the answer is 13 steps

How linear equation in two variable used in daily life?

first it takes you through whole lot dumb stuff and you take it up there

Life example linear equation word problem?

The real life example of a linear eqaution problem could be the comparison of somthing changing to something else. There can be many ways a linear equation can be used in real life from complex exponential graphs that explain economics to a simplistic problem comparing the arm span to height. For example: y=2x-1 could be the equation for arm span. (y) being arm span (x) being height This uses the concept of slope or rate. So the y(arm span) depends on the other variable x(height) to find y's value. Hope this helps :) -Leonard

What are examples of real life application of a linear function?

vCell phone plans: •A mobile provider charges a base rate of 40$ a month for service •The user is charged $.20 a minute for every minute used What is the linear equation for this example? Y = .20X +40

What are the use of differential equation in dialy life?

A differential equation is a tool to certains carrers to find and solve all kinds of problems, in my case i'm a civil engineer and i use this tool to solve problems in the area of hidraulics, and in the area of structures. The differencial ecuations have all kinds of uses in the area of engieneering and in other fields too

Use of linear function in real life?

Your age is a linear function (of time).

Simultaneous equations cannot be solved?

Simultaneous Equations are very helpful because it can help u solve problems in real life. There are 2 ways to approach a simultaneous equation, Substitution and elimination method. As a good practice it is always good to practice your substitution method first. I wont go too advance for now but consider this question;Find two numbers whose sum is 21 and difference is 9.This question requires 2 equation to solve; thus it is call simultaneous equation.Solve: Let x be a number, and Let y be another number.x + y = 21 equation 1x - y = 9 equation 2Rearrange equation 2 to make equation 3(Equation 3 is just to sub into the other eqs)x = 9 + y equation 3Sub equation 3 into 1(9 + y) + y = 219 + 2y = 212y = 12y = 6 First solution!Sub y = 6 into equation 2x - 6 = 9x = 15 Second Solution!Therefore, the numbers are 15 and 6.In a simultaneous equation (with 2 variable) there will always be 2 answers.This is copied from my other worked examples. I do not really understand your question. If you have a simultaneous equation that you can't solve. Post it up and i will help.* * * * *Good answer, but spoiled by the last-but-one paragraph. Simultaneous linear equations with two variables can have no solutions (if the corresponding graphs are distinct parallel lines) or infinitely many solutions (if they are, in effect, the same line). And then, there are always simultaneous non-linear equations. Two quadratics, for example, can have 0, 1, 2 or infinitely many solutions.

Does the ceteris paribus assumption affect a demand curve?

It isolates factors and only looks at one cause and effect at a time. This is why the demand curve is a linear equation (straight line). It wouldn't be possible in real life.

What is the first thing you need to do when you have an equation?

Well, we need to know what the problem is. If you have an equation with a variable in it, like 3x = 9, you need to solve for x, i.e., get x on one side and anumber on the other side. An equation can also be like 2 + 2 = 4, which is already fully given to you. An equation could be anything with an equals sign (=), including the following:42 = the meaning of life

Why is it important the linear equations and inequalities?

There are many simple questions in everyday life that can be modelled by linear equations and solved using linear programming.

What is impulsive system in differential equation?

A differential equation have a solution. It is continuous in the given region, but the solution of the impulsive differential equations have piecewise continuous. The impulsive differential system have first order discontinuity. This type of problems have more applications in day today life. Impulses are arise more natural in evolution system.