first it takes you through whole lot dumb stuff and you take it up there
thug life it
real life situations where in rational algebraic equation is applied/used
variable expression
In construction of a stair If 10 inches per step how many steps to go to a story up or about 10 foot 10 feet is 120 inches Slope is 10 inches 10x = 120 That is a linear equation you then solve in your head the answer is 13 steps
There are many simple questions in everyday life that can be modelled by linear equations and solved using linear programming.
linear motionvibratorycircularrotatory
thug life it
My gas gauge has been reading ' E ' for the last 20 miles and I'm starting to worry.Finally, the tension is killing me. I bite the bullet and pull into a gas station, wherethe sign out front says " 2.67 ". I have $ 11.22 in my pocket. What's the most gasI can put into the car ?
can you tell me and not ask me?!
The real life example of a linear eqaution problem could be the comparison of somthing changing to something else. There can be many ways a linear equation can be used in real life from complex exponential graphs that explain economics to a simplistic problem comparing the arm span to height. For example: y=2x-1 could be the equation for arm span. (y) being arm span (x) being height This uses the concept of slope or rate. So the y(arm span) depends on the other variable x(height) to find y's value. Hope this helps :) -Leonard
Here are two variablesDemand and Price, whereas Price is Independent variable &Demand is dependent variable, i.e. if price of something changes the demand will also be affected. Now simple Differential Equation isd (Demand)= constantd (Price)But keep in mind that Price is a function not a simple variable.
Determunants simplified the rule for solving simultaneous linear equations.
It's all around you, starting with equation of diffusion and ending with equation of propagation of sound and EM waves.
well dependent is when you are are NOT independent so in your daily life you could just have S.E.X and then that is how you become non independent
real life situations where in rational algebraic equation is applied/used
My gas gauge has been reading ' E ' for the last 20 miles and I'm starting to worry.Finally, the tension is killing me. I bite the bullet and pull into a gas station, wherethe sign out front says " 2.67 ". I have $ 11.22 in my pocket. What's the most gasI can put into the car ?Of course, nothing like this has ever happened to you; so you've never had to solvea linear equation since you were in high school.
You can use it to build buildings, pools, and and if your boss gives you a mathematical equation, you can answer it.