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This isn't so easy. Start by restating it with mathematical symbols:

x^2 > 2^x

Since both sides are positive numbers, it's okay to take the log of both sides (ln = natural log) and preserve the inequality.

ln (x^2) > ln(2^x)

which can be re-written:

2 ln x > x ln 2

(ln x)/x > (ln 2)/2 =~ 0.34657359028...

It looks like the function maxes out to a value of 1/e = 0.36...

So there's a small range of x values containing e where the inequality is true. The endpoints of this interval are found by making it an equation instead of inequality.

I'm not sure this can be solved in closed form. Normally numerical (computer approximation) would be used, I think.

The lesson to be learned, however, is that an exponential function will eventually overtake any power function of x.

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