10,380,981 written in expanded word notation is: ten million three-hundred eighty thousand nine-hundred eighty one.
30 = thirty
6 tenths in expanded form
427,013 in expanded form math ELEMENTARY
5.35 X 101 is the expanded form of 53.5
Expanded form is 20 + 4 = 24
The number 10,380,981 is "ten million, three hundred eighty thousand, nine hundred eighty-one."
30 = thirty
86.745 = eighty-six and seven hundred forty-five thousandths.
The correct answer is "expanded form".
The spellings "Thermocole" and "Thermocol" are trade names for the thermoplastic material polystyrene, also used in expanded form as styrofoam.
what is211.073 in expanded form
There is no expanded form for wont (has a tendency to).
expanded form is when you show the expanded form of a number example:4+(3 .1)=4.3
0.6045 in expanded form is 0.6+0.004+0.0005 that the way to write 0.6045 in expanded form
16741 in expanded form with exponents
What in expanded form is W HA T hehehehe