30 = thirty
10,380,981 written in expanded word notation is: ten million three-hundred eighty thousand nine-hundred eighty one.
No, because it can be expressed as a fraction in the form of 897/1000
6 tenths in expanded form
32 in expanded form is 3x101 + 2x100.
897 in expanded form is (800x1)+(90x1)+(7x1) :)
30 = thirty
86.745 = eighty-six and seven hundred forty-five thousandths.
10,380,981 written in expanded word notation is: ten million three-hundred eighty thousand nine-hundred eighty one.
The correct answer is "expanded form".
84% of 897 = 84% * 897 = 0.84 * 897 = 753.48
The spellings "Thermocole" and "Thermocol" are trade names for the thermoplastic material polystyrene, also used in expanded form as styrofoam.
No, because it can be expressed as a fraction in the form of 897/1000
what is211.073 in expanded form
There is no expanded form for wont (has a tendency to).
expanded form is when you show the expanded form of a number example:4+(3 .1)=4.3