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Q: How do you spell the word integer?
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How do you spell mupiles?

The likely word is the plural noun multiples (integer products of an integer).

Is integer is a noun?

The word integer is a noun.

What is the opposite word for the integer number?

A non-integer.

Where does the word integer and what does it mean?

"Integer" comes from Latin and means "whole" or "intact."

How do you spell coefficent?

The correct spelling is "coefficient" (a co-value, such as an integer used with a variable).

What do you think of when you hear the word integer?

An integer is a whole number without decimals or fractions

What is the hardist word to spell?

the hardest word to spell is: perpondickulor

How do you say spell in Spanish?

The Spanish word for "spell" (as in letters in a word) is "deletrear" Which translated lyerally means to separate the letters. The word for "spell" (as in time) is "temporada". The word for "spell" (as in hex) is "encanto".

Is integer another word for number?

No. An integer is a kind of number - a whole number - but not all numbers are integers. For example, a half is a number but it is not an integer.

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The letters spell the word geometrical.

What word do the letters earlfence spell?

The letters spell the word "freelance."

What word do the letters ascion spell?

The letters spell the word casino.