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Multiply the numerator by itself, and then the denominator by itself.

(a/b)^2 = (a ×a)/(b × b)

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Q: How do you square fractions?
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What is the square root of 81 in fraction form?

The square roots of 81 are integers, not fractions. So there are no sensible ways to express them as fractions.

What is the square root of 25 in fraction?

The square roots of 25 are integers, not fractions.

What fractions are a perfect square?

None. Perfect squares, by definition, are the squares of counting numbers and these cannot be fractions.

Fractions Decimals Square Roots Order from Smallest to Largets Help please?

it depends on the numbers involved.. if you have examples of the fractions decimals and square roots i would be glad to help you

How do you work out the fractions on a pie chart?

you do the square root of the number

Is one fourth a perfect square?

No, a perfect square is the square of an integer number. Fractions are never a perfect square, as the square of an integer is always another integer.Actually fractions can be perfect squares an example is one ninth, it would be one third times one third which equals one ninth.

How do you do a magic square of fractions?

A simple way is to use a regular magic square and then divide each value by the same number. Dividing by a common multiple of all the number will give a magic square of fractions with all 1's as numerators

What is the square root of pi in fractions?

9 and 43/49 its easy really. just 22/7 then square it

Can fractions be perfect squares?

Yes, ¼ is the square of ½, 1/16 is the square of 1/4, and so on and so forth.

What is the fraction for square root of 9?

In general, it's impossible to represent square roots as fractions of rational numbers; however, in the specific case of 9, it's a perfect square and the roots are 3 and -3. If you insist on fractions, 3/1 and -3/1.

How do you add square root fractions?

Have not gotten to that in my granddaughter's math....but I would imagine taking it to the common denominator first and go from there. That's how you do fractions.

How do you make a fraction magic square?

To make a fraction magic square, start by filling in the grid with fractions so that each row, column, and diagonal has the same sum. Use different fractions that have the same sum but different denominators to create a variety of solutions. You can also adjust the value of the fractions to make the magic square more challenging.