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Q: How do you take mean of continuous series with example?
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What is a continuous variable?

A continuous variable is one that can assume different values between each point. Put as an example (e.g when looking at height) one can assume a height of 178, 178.1, 178.2. . . 178.9. Thus continuous variables can be used when looking at time or length for example. Continuous variables will differ from discrete variables which assume a fixed value for example number of times you take a shower, how many cars you have or how many kids in a family. Values can not be specified as decimals (e.g. you can not have 1.2 cars or 2.7 kids in a family).

Difference between continuous and discrete variables?

Continuous variable is one like temperature, and discrete variable are ones like male and female. So if you are looking at temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees, there is an infinite number of them. Say between 99 and 99.1, we have 99.05 and between that and 99 we have 99.005 etc. The variable is continuous because it can take on any value between 90 and 100. But if you are talking about gender, than it is either male of female and not continuous. Having said all this, now we define a continuous variable A continuous is one for which, within the limits the variable ranges, any value is possible. So what about time? If the variable is how long it take to read this answer, is that discrete? NO, it is continuous. A five point scale is an example of a discrete variable.

What is continuous variate?

A variable defined on a continuous interval as opposed to one that can take only discrete values.

Is data continuous if it can take on any value?


What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous probability function?

A discrete random variable (RV) can only take a selected number of values whereas a continuous rv can take infinitely many.

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What does analogue data mean?

Analogue data is data in a continuous stream that has an infinite range of values that change gradually. One example of analogue data is the sound of a person talking. We are capable of handling analogue data, yet computers require analogue data to be converted into digital data for processing.

What is data analog?

analog data are continuous and take continuous values

What is continuous variable?

A continuous variable is one that can assume different values between each point. Put as an example (e.g when looking at height) one can assume a height of 178, 178.1, 178.2. . . 178.9. Thus continuous variables can be used when looking at time or length for example. Continuous variables will differ from discrete variables which assume a fixed value for example number of times you take a shower, how many cars you have or how many kids in a family. Values can not be specified as decimals (e.g. you can not have 1.2 cars or 2.7 kids in a family).

What is a continuous variable?

A continuous variable is one that can assume different values between each point. Put as an example (e.g when looking at height) one can assume a height of 178, 178.1, 178.2. . . 178.9. Thus continuous variables can be used when looking at time or length for example. Continuous variables will differ from discrete variables which assume a fixed value for example number of times you take a shower, how many cars you have or how many kids in a family. Values can not be specified as decimals (e.g. you can not have 1.2 cars or 2.7 kids in a family).

Difference between continuous and discrete variables?

Continuous variable is one like temperature, and discrete variable are ones like male and female. So if you are looking at temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees, there is an infinite number of them. Say between 99 and 99.1, we have 99.05 and between that and 99 we have 99.005 etc. The variable is continuous because it can take on any value between 90 and 100. But if you are talking about gender, than it is either male of female and not continuous. Having said all this, now we define a continuous variable A continuous is one for which, within the limits the variable ranges, any value is possible. So what about time? If the variable is how long it take to read this answer, is that discrete? NO, it is continuous. A five point scale is an example of a discrete variable.

What does discrete mean in algebra?

In basic algebra a discrete variable is one that can only take on specific set of values. For example, if we were to say that X can only take on a whole value between 1 and 10, then X would be a discrete variable. On the other hand, a continuous variable is one that can take on an unlimited number of values. For example, if we were to say X can take on ANY value between 1 and 10, then X is called a continious variable. The important thing to note is that the range of a variable (the min and max values it can take) is different than whether it is discrete or continuous. Discrete only implies a fixed (and known) set of values is possible for a variable

What is continuous variate?

A variable defined on a continuous interval as opposed to one that can take only discrete values.

Is driving speed a discrete or continuous variable?

Speed is a continuous variable since it can take on an infinite set of values.

What does take it to another level mean?

The point at which, a series of experiences form a collective and transforming meaning.

Is data continuous if it can take on any value?


What is the difference between a continuous signal and a discrete signal?

A continuous signal is one that is measured over a time axis and has a value defined at every instance. The real world is continuous (ie. analog). A discrete signal is one that is defined at integers, and thus is undefined in between samples (digital is an example of a discrete signal, but discrete does not have to imply digital). Instead of a time axis, a discrete signal is gathered over a sampling axis. Discrete signals are usually denoted by x[k] or x[n], a continuous signal is x(t) for example. Laplace transforms are used for continuous analysis, Z-transforms are used for discrete analysis. Fourier transforms can be used for either.

What does a continuous ABS light mean for a 1994 Ford Econoline 150 mean Should I be worried?

take your van to a shop and have them check your brakes! My van did the same thing and I had it checked..... I needed new front brakes!