A variable defined on a continuous interval as opposed to one that can take only discrete values.
A random variate is a particular outcome of a random variable: the random variates which are other outcomes of the same random variable would have different values.
About half the time.
The number of times a variate is observed in a population is the frequency of that variate. For example if plant length is under observation and in a population of plants having one meter length is measured 15 ; the frequency of 1 m tall plants will be 15.
The F-variate, named after the statistician Ronald Fisher, crops up in statistics in the analysis of variance (amongst other things). Suppose you have a bivariate normal distribution. You calculate the sums of squares of the dependent variable that can be explained by regression and a residual sum of squares. Under the null hypothesis that there is no linear regression between the two variables (of the bivariate distribution), the ratio of the regression sum of squares divided by the residual sum of squares is distributed as an F-variate. There is a lot more to it, but not something that is easy to explain in this manner - particularly when I do not know your knowledge level.
It can be continuous or continuing.
This can variate;it can be above 100
A random variate is a particular outcome of a random variable: the random variates which are other outcomes of the same random variable would have different values.
The correct spelling is variate.
Inject , Prevent , Protect , Inoculate , variate .
"c'est variate" doesn't mean anything. I don't think the word "variate" exist ( "c'est" can be translated by "this is"). Maybe it's a mispelling of "c'est variable" : It's variable, changing. Sorry for my English, I may have done some mistakes, I'm french and doesn't have an excellent level in english.
About half the time.
their are a variate of insects in the Simpson desert
They are not similar but they contain a great amount of starch. The recommendation is to eat variate.
All.When you destroy a enemy the animal who apears can variate.
The number of times a variate is observed in a population is the frequency of that variate. For example if plant length is under observation and in a population of plants having one meter length is measured 15 ; the frequency of 1 m tall plants will be 15.
because they had lack of food a variate diseases
because they had lack of food a variate diseases