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Divide by 100%.

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Q: How do you take percent out of a number?
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How do you take out a percent of a number in a math problem?

Multiply the number by the percent in decimal form, and subtract the result from the original number. Alternatively, multiply the number by (1 - the percent).

How do you take 10 percent of a number?

Multiply the number by 0.1

How do you take 15 percent of a number?

Multiply the number by 0.15

How do you take percent off a number in math?

Two ways: Take the percent of the number and subtract it from the number or multiply the number by 100 minus the percent. Example: 25 percent off 24 dollars. 24 x 0.25 = 6 24 - 6 = 18 or 24 x 0.75 = 18

70 percent of a number?

To find 70% or a number take the number and multiply it by .7

How do you write 80 percent of a number?

take the number and multiply it by .8 like .8x100 (80 percent of 100) = 80

How do you take percent from numbers?

To take a percentage of a number, multiply the number by the decimal equivalent of the percentage, which is the percentage divided by 100. 25 percent of 15 = 15 x 0.25 = 3.75

How do you take 30 percent off a number?

Multipiy that number by 30 and divide by 100

How do you take 25 percent off money?

You take the original value times 0.25. That number is 25% of the original, so you take the original number minus that number.

What is 92 percent of 250 percent?

Well, 92 percent of 250 is 230. You cannot take the percent of a percernt if the actual beginning number is not specified :-0

How do you convert 41 percent to a whole number?

Take your percent, 41% and move the decimal two places, right to turn it into a "whole number". Your answer is 0.41

How do you find a number that is decreased by a percent?

you multiply that number by the percent as a decimal. Say you want to take 20% of ten. Then you would go .2x10 and get 2.