125 is a whole number.
Fraction: 125/1 Mixed number: 125 and 0/1 Whole number: 125
0.535 is a fractional number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to turn it into a whole number.
You do nothing. A negative number is a whole number.
125 is a whole number.
Fraction: 125/1 Mixed number: 125 and 0/1 Whole number: 125
0.125 is a fractional number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number.
To turn a whole number into a percentage: Simply multiply it by 100%.
710 is a whole number.
The number is 5 because 55 = 25 and 55*5 = 125
There is no "whole number" that's equal to a fully reduced fraction..1/8 = .125 which is not a whole number.
0.535 is a fractional number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to turn it into a whole number.
You do nothing. A negative number is a whole number.
mixed number is a whole number and a fraction, here it would be 2 and 8/1000, or to simplify 2 and 1/125. for example, for 4.75 the mixed number would be 4 3/4