percent means per hundred, so you divide the number part by 100:
6.5% = 6.5 per hundred = 6.5/100 = 0.065
65 percent into a decimal = 0.6565% = 65%/100% = 0.65
Decimal - .65 Fraction - 65/100
To convert 65% to decimal divide by 100: 65% ÷ 100 = 0.65
65% as a decimal is 0.65. 65% as a % is 65%. 65% as a fraction is 65/100
65 percent into a decimal = 0.6565% = 65%/100% = 0.65
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 65 percent is equal to 0.65.
Fraction: 65/100 Decimal: .65
Decimal - .65 Fraction - 65/100
Drop the percentage symbol, divide by 100 and simplify. So 65% = 65/100 = 13/20
65 percent = 0.65 in decimal; 65/100 in fraction
65 percent = 65 divided by 100 = 0.65