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Convert the fractional part to decimal by dividing its numerator by its denominator. Thus one and a fifth becomes 1 + 1/5 = 1 + .2000 = 1.2

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Q: How do you turn a whole number and a fraction into one number?
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The recommended method in schools is to write the whole number as a rational fraction with denominator 1, and then proceed as you would for subtracting one fraction from another fraction.

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you simply put the whole number over oneOk, how do you do 15-3 3/4???easy, ya just have to put the whole number over one and turn the mixed number into a fraction, then solve itchange the whole number into a mixed number

What is the whole number of one fifth?

One fifth is a rational fraction. It is not a whole number and cannot be made into one.

Is every whole number a fraction?

yes if you put the whole number over one

What happens when you divide a whole number by a fraction larger than one?

The result could be a whole number or a fraction. But whatever it is, it's smaller than the original whole number.

How do you divide a whole number into a fraction?

Any whole number can be written over 1. To divide a fraction by a whole number, multiply that fraction by one over the whole number. 2/3 divided by 4 = 2/3 x 1/4

How do you make a whole number into a fraction?

to make a whole number into a fraction all you have to do is make it whatever the whole number is over one ex: 2 is your whole number, to make it a fraction simply put it over one. when you say it, you can say 2 over 1, 2 firsts, or 2 divided by 1. 2 divided by one does equal 2, your starting whole number.

Whole number divided by fraction?

no no no that is not what they were asking you would divide a whole number by a fraction by putting the whole number over one making it an improper fraction then divide those as you would regular fractions ........ hope it helped :)