You do not need to do anything. But if you must you can add a decimal point after it. You should not add any 0s after the decimal point because that implies a higher degree of precision.
So the decimal for 37 is 37 or 37. but not 37.0 (which implies accuracy to a tenth of a unit).
916 is an integer not a fraction. As a decimal number it is 916, as in the question.
No, if it has a decimal place then its not an integer
an integer won't have any decimal point
An integer is a number that has no decimal. Yes, 184 is an integer.
916 is an integer not a fraction. As a decimal number it is 916, as in the question.
A decimal number is not an integer. An integer is a number that is not a fraction, and decimal numbers are decimal fractions.
The integer part of the mixed number is the integer part of the decimal. The use long division to convert the fractional part of the mixed number to the fractional part of the decimal.
No, if it has a decimal place then its not an integer
No by definition a decimal number can never be an integer because an integer is a whole number (it can not have any decimal parts).
an integer won't have any decimal point
A decimal is not an integer. However a number with a decimal component can be either positive or negative
Yes. A mixed decimal is any decimal with an integer ... i.e. 7.38. .38 is the decimal 7 is the integer
An integer is a number that has no decimal. Yes, 184 is an integer.
No. It is decimal number. An integer is a number that can be written without a fractional or decimal component.