it is 3.7 percent divided 100 into37 and it will turn out to be a decimal so it is 3.7.
You do not need to do anything. But if you must you can add a decimal point after it. You should not add any 0s after the decimal point because that implies a higher degree of precision. So the decimal for 37 is 37 or 37. but not 37.0 (which implies accuracy to a tenth of a unit).
To convert 37% to decimal divide by 100: 37% ÷ 100 = 0.37
37 over 8 in decimal form = 4.62537/8:= 37 ÷ 8= 4.625 in decimal
37/300:= 37 ÷ 300= 0.1233 n decimal
it is 3.7 percent divided 100 into37 and it will turn out to be a decimal so it is 3.7.
You do not need to do anything. But if you must you can add a decimal point after it. You should not add any 0s after the decimal point because that implies a higher degree of precision. So the decimal for 37 is 37 or 37. but not 37.0 (which implies accuracy to a tenth of a unit).
37/4 as a decimal = 9.2537/4:= 37 ÷ 4= 9.25 in decimal
0.50 05%
37 as a decimal is 37.0. As a fraction, 37 can be written as 37/1, which is already in its simplest form as an improper fraction.
To convert 37% to decimal divide by 100: 37% ÷ 100 = 0.37
37 over 8 in decimal form = 4.62537/8:= 37 ÷ 8= 4.625 in decimal
37/300:= 37 ÷ 300= 0.1233 n decimal
37 ÷ 50 = 0.74 as a decimal
1 and 37/100 as a decimal is 1.37
Expressed as a decimal, 37/20 is equal to 1.85.
what is the answer