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Q: How do you type to the 2nd power on the computer?
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What is a power point on a computer?

a type of program that you can create presentations on.

How typewriter is good than computer?

Typewriter can use without electricity/power. Computer require power supply to type. In typewriter as you type the matter, the Hardcopy also is ready. In computer first you need to type then you need the help of printer to get the hardcopy. Typewriter is less expensive and computer more expensive

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hi! its me in ur computer class!

What is fuction of power supply?

The power supply makes the computer run, without any type of power supply it would be impossible to run a computer. The mains power supply for a laptop and the power supply unit of a desk top, both convert the high AC voltage from the mains power and convert it to low voltage DC, for the electronics of a computer to use.

What are the circuit requirements to power 8 computers?

It depends on how much current each computer draws. An average rating for a computer power supply for a home computer is about 250 watts. A 20 amp circuit breaker can handle about 8 of this type of computer.

A technician is installing a new power supply in a computer Which type of power connector should be used to connect to a PATA hard drive?

A technician is installing a new power supply in a computer Which type of power connector should be used to connect to a PATA hard drive?berg mini-molexmolex.20-pin ATX connector

What type of a computer does an astronaut need?

The mainframe computers used to guide the astronauts to the moon had less computing power than a computer watch.

How much juice is your computer using at night?

It is recommended to turn off a computer at night. It depends on the amount of constant running programs and the type of computer how much power it uses at night. In most computer settings there is a gauge that allows someone to view their power usage.

What is PC mani supply?

A PC Main Supply is what gives the computer power to operate, in desktop computers they have to constantly be connected to some type of power outlet. Diagram. Plug socket > Cable > PSU (power supply unit) > Motherboard > power to all components in the computer.

How do you type on a computer ten to the power of three?

10^3(If you enter this into a cell in Excel, it willrecognize it as 1000.)

What is 91 to the 2nd power?

91 to the 2nd power is 8,281.